Dealer Requirements Under OSHA's New COVID-19 "Vaccine or Test" Mandate

GNYADA Communications
November 18, 2021 / 2 mins read

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Last Friday OSHA published its highly anticipated emergency temporary standard (ETS) mandating that employers with 100 or more employees require staff be fully vaccinated or tested weekly.

The next day, legal challenges were filed, and the court stopped the mandate from becoming effective until several issues are resolved. While the final result is unknown, it will take weeks of planning for employers to comply with the ETS.

Therefore, dealers should continue preparing for the ETS as if it is going to take effect while litigation continues. Dealers will also have to figure out what path they want to choose for their particular dealership: mandate the vaccine for all or allow for testing.

Andria Lure Ryan, Esq. from Fisher Phillips will discuss the components of the mandate and what dealers will need to do. Ryan will also talk about the pros and cons of each choice - vaccine for all or allow for testing.

Topics to be Discussed:

  • Requirements of the mandate

  • Is your dealership subject to the mandate?

  • Establishing a written vaccination policy

  • Recordkeeping requirements

  • Who pays when employees opt for weekly testing?

  • OSHA enforcement of the ETS requirements.

  • Penalties for non-compliance.


  • Andria Lure Ryan, Esq. Fisher Phillips
    Andria Ryan is a member of the firm’s COVID-19 Taskforce, a cross-disciplinary team of attorneys dedicated to advising employers on the many workplace law aspects of the global coronavirus pandemic.


  • Susan J. Bieber, Esq. GNYADA Vice President – Dealer Services