Economic Impact
Dealers Driving Metro New York's Economy
The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association’s members are a powerful economic influence and contribute significantly to the creation of high paying jobs throughout the metropolitan area.
Together, metro area dealers produced $61.6 billion in economic activity and supported more than 65,100 jobs with a total payroll of $6.4 billion. They collected and paid $2.65 billion in state and local taxes and made $19.4 million in charitable contributions in 2022 alone.
The chart below illustrates the 2022 dealership totals in comparison to 2021 and 2019, pre-pandemic.
- Compensating both direct and indirect employees, the new vehicle retailing industry paid out nearly $6.4 B.
- There has been a 40% jump in employee compensation since 2018
- In 2022, the average dealership in metro New York paid 9.68 million in salaries.
- In 2022, metro area new vehicle dealerships employed a total of 36,100 individuals
- An additional 29,000 individuals were employed as a result of the indirect impact of dealership operations
- Automobile dealership employment accounted for 12.2% of total retail employment in the metro area
- New car dealers are the 4th largest retail employer in the area just behind supermarkets, clothing stores, and pharmacies
Tax Revenue
In 2022, franchised new auto dealerships in metro New York paid more than $2,648,640,000 in state and local taxes— an average of $5,952,000 per dealership.
- 66% of total new vehicle sales in New York State occur in the metro area.
- 64% of total new vehicle registrations in New York State occur in the metro area.
New York Metro Area New Retail Vehicle Registrations
As shown on the graph, combined new retail car and light truck registrations in the metro area improved from 2009 thru 2016. Registrations declined 15.4% in 2020 due to the pandemic, and fell 20.4% in 2022 as supply chain issues impacted vehicle production.
Download the Economic Impact Report
This report highlights the enormous value franchised new car dealers play in creating job opportunities, tax revenues, and philanthropic endeavors. More importantly, behind each of this report’s statistics are very real benefits and expanded opportunities in the daily lives of dealership personnel, the New Yorkers they serve, and communities they are located in.