Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application Released
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SBA just released the PPP Loan Forgiveness application. The application provides much needed guidance for the biggest remaining puzzle pieces for borrowers; how the forgiveness calculations will work, key definitions, and clarity on timelines. While more guidance is expected and there are still questions to be answered, understanding this application is critical for all borrowers with a PPP Loan.
As part of GNYADA’s ongoing webinar series with Cerini & Associates, LLP, Edward McWilliams, CPA will cover the updated timeframes for allowable payroll costs, FTE calculations, payroll calculations and talk about the application itself, provide examples to help dealers understand provisions of the application, and identify documentation needed for completing the application.
Some of the topics to be covered include:
Review of Forgiveness Application
Qualifying Costs and Expenses
Sample Calculations
Required Documentation
Ed McWilliams, CPA, Cerini & Associates, LLP