5 Steps to Protect your Dealership From Cyber Attacks
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The FBI reports that cyber attacks are a billion dollar a year crime, and it’s predicted to get worse. Ransomware attacks hit small businesses and huge corporations alike. Ransomware can encrypt a whole network and shut down an entire dealership group in seconds.
At this webinar, James Rocker, Founder/CEO of Nerds that Care will discuss five crucial steps dealers can take to prevent ransomware attacks and protect their dealerships.
Topic for discussion include:
Types of cyber-attacks to be aware of
Dealership vulnerabilities
The impact of a cyber-attack on your dealership
Steps dealers can take to prevent attacks
Daily practices to ensure dealership files are safe
What to do if infected with ransomware
James Rocker, Founder/CEO, Nerds that Care
Susan J. Bieber, Esq. GNYADA Vice President – Dealer Services